La revista Psicothema, editada por el Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, acaba de publicar el tercero de sus cuatro números anuales, correspondiente al año 2022. El volumen consta de 16 interesantes trabajos que presentamos a continuación con su correspondiente enlace: | |
Using Social Networking Sites During Lockdown: Risks and Benefits Covadonga González-Nuevo, Marcelino Cuesta, Álvaro Postigo, Álvaro Menéndez-Aller, Jaime García-Fernández and Daria J. Kuss. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 365-374 Psychiatric Hospitalization for Attempted Suicide and Reattempt at the One-Year Follow-Up Adriana Goñi-Sarriés, Nora Yárnoz-Goñi and José J. López-Goñi. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 375-382 A new Algorithm for Detecting Clinical High Risk of Psychosis in Adolescents Mercedes Paíno, Ana María González-Menéndez, Óscar Vallina-Fernández and Mar Rus-Calafell. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 383-391 Mindfulness Component in a Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Group Intervention for Family Members of Borderline Personality Disorder Patients Verónica Guillén, Heliodoro Marco, Sara Fonseca-Baeza, Irene Fernández, Mercedes Jorquera, Ausias Cebolla and Rosa Baños. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 392-401 Emotional Intelligence and Risk Behaviour: A Risk Domain-Dependent Relationship María T. Sánchez-López, Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, Raquel Gómez-Leal and Alberto Megías-Robles. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 402-409 Influence of Alcohol Consumption, Personality and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Traffic Offenders Cristina Escamilla-Robla, M. Ángeles Beleña-Mateo and Joaquín Mateu-Mollá. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 410-420 Parental Involvement in Homework During Covid-19 Confinement Natalia Suárez, Estrella Fernández, Bibiana Regueiro, Pedro Rosário, Jianzhong Xu and José Carlos Núñez. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 421-428 Grade Retention, Academic Performance and Motivational Variables in Compulsory Secondary Education: A Longitudinal Study Daniel Rodríguez-Rodríguez. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 429-436 Parental Attachment and Satisfaction With Social Life: The Mediating Role of Gelotophobia Gonzalo Del Moral, Carla Canestrari, Morena Muzi, Cristian Suárez-Relinque, Angelo Carrieri and Alessandra Fermani. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 437-445 Intracranial Self-Stimulation and Memory in Rats: A Sistematic Review Ignacio Morgado-Bernal and Pilar Segura-Torres. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 446-453 Validation of the Shortened Version of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory in Spanish University Students Eduardo González-Cabañes, Trinidad García, David Álvarez-García, Estrella Fernández and Celestino Rodríguez. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 454-462 The Spanish Posttraumatic Growth Inventory – Short Form in Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Laura Sicilia-Matas, Maite Barrios-Cerrejón and Noemí Pereda-Beltrán. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 463-470 The External Validity of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Versus Inattention in Behavioral, Social Interaction, and Academic Performance Measures Inmaculada Moreno-García, Mateu Servera, Manuel Morales-Ortiz, Almudena Cano-Crespo and Belén Sáez. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 471-478 Adaptation of the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire for Young People Between 9 and 16 Years old María Paula Fernández, Soraya Coballes, Belén San Pedro, David Martín, José Labra, Carmen González and Javier Herrero. Psicothema, 2022, Vol. 34, pág. 479-487
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